Citizen Science
Citizen Science definition : Citizen science is a multidimensional concept that highlights, depending the context, a diversity of scale, values and commitment, regarding the responsibility of science to society and vise-versa. Sometimes a tool ( for boosting spatio-temporal data collection through volunteers , to evidence-based decision-making ) sometimes a pure research approach (or knowledge-producing capacity of society and for increasing public interest and engagement in research ) citizen science enhance societal relevance of research ( Eitzel & al, 2017;Vohland & al. 2019).
The European Citizen Science Association gives ten principles to be compliant with in a way to define a citizen science project : citizen active involvement , a genuine science outcome, shared benefit between professional scientists and the citizen scientists , possible citizen implication at any stages of the scientific process, regular feedback from the project to citizen, Citizen science is a research approach, data and meta-data publicly available and results published in an open access format, Citizen scientists are acknowledged in project results and publications.
Oxford English Dictionary defines citizen sciences as “Scientific work undertaken by members of the general public, often in collaboration with or under the direction of professional scientists and scientific institutions”.
Reflexive Monitoring Framework
Sed accumsan leo nunc, a pharetra metus facilisis nec. Morbi turpis erat, tincidunt eget magna ut, suscipit fermentum diam. Duis sit amet sem eu leo vestibulum dignissim eget nec orci. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nullam congue scelerisque condimentum. In luctus nisl eget ullamcorper ultricies. Ut eget suscipit dolor.
Reflexive Monitoring Process
- Explicitly integrate reflection in the implementation process
- Giving practitioners insight into the progress of their project in real time
- Rethink goals
- Define roles
- Record important events
- Analyse critical turning points
- Identify learning outcomes
- Share findings
- Reflect on the method
- Promote P2P sharing
- Dimensions
- Dimensions
- Living knowledge co-creation
- Analyzing co-creation processes and models
- Social systems assessment
- Community-based communication
- Constantly fine-tuned
- Compilation of citizen science results and resources coming from different WP
Learning Outcomes
Sed accumsan leo nunc, a pharetra metus facilisis nec. Morbi turpis erat, tincidunt eget magna ut, suscipit fermentum diam. Duis sit amet sem eu leo vestibulum dignissim eget nec orci. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nullam congue scelerisque condimentum. In luctus nisl eget ullamcorper ultricies. Ut eget suscipit dolor.
Citizen Science Concepts
Sed accumsan leo nunc, a pharetra metus facilisis nec. Morbi turpis erat, tincidunt eget magna ut, suscipit fermentum diam. Duis sit amet sem eu leo vestibulum dignissim eget nec orci. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nullam congue scelerisque condimentum. In luctus nisl eget ullamcorper ultricies. Ut eget suscipit dolor.
From Assessment to Pilot